Hi, I'm Michael Sapsed. I have been a keen photographer for almost 30 years. In the 1980′s I set-up a darkroom and experimented with many darkroom techniques whilst developing and printing B&W and Colour prints and slides. I enjoy taking and displaying photos.

Website Updated

I decided to add a Blog to the site in order to share information on the photos I’ve taken and provide the capability for you to subscribe to the email and RSS feeds That way you will know when new photos are added as soon as they are published on the site. I’ve also taken the decision to Password Protect the Karate and other selected galleries on the site, therefore if you try and access a gallery it might ask you for a password. To access the Karate galleries please speak to me or your instructor and I’ll tell you the password. As always on the site, photos are free to download (I’m only an amateur) and get enjoyment from taking the photos and improving my technique. Anyway hope you enjoy the new look site. Michael.